
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley and others recently called out bias in President Biden’s Administration Student Debt Transfer plan; here are his thoughts, “First of all, the Supreme Court said that what he had originally suggested a year ago was unconstitutional, or maybe not unconstitutional but he didn’t have the authority to do it. Now he’s coming back with another plan that may be a little less in cost, but does he have the authority to do it? I don’t believe he has the authority to do it, before the Supreme Court decision or with this most recent plan. So I’m sponsoring a bill with Senator Thune to make sure that he doesn’t have this authority.” The senators are urging the Biden administration to work with them by supporting their legislative package to help students handle college expenses. The package incorporates Grassley-led solutions, including the Know Before You Owe Federal Student Loan Act and the Understanding the True Cost of College Act.