
On Friday, Lt Governor Adam Gregg visited the Washington YMCA to tour the facility and see the progress that is being made on the indoor aquatic center. “It’s an honor to be here, and it’s an honor to serve as your Lt Governor. I should start out by saying Governor Kim Reynolds sends her regards. She’s not able to be here this morning, but I’m always very honored and proud to represent her, represent our team, and our state here with you today. I was just talking when I walked in with a gentleman at the hospital. I believe that was the Governor’s Washington County visit earlier this year, where she signed a really important bill for healthcare access at the hospital, and she had really great things to say about the facility as well, so thank you for that.”  Gregg is serving as the 47th lieutenant governor of Iowa. He has held this position since 2019. Gregg previously served as Acting Lieutenant Governor from 2017 to 2019.