The Washington County 4-H Program will host their annual Awards Celebration on Sunday, November 5, at the KC Hall in Washington. The event begins at 3 p.m. All Washington County 4-H’ers and family members, club leaders, and other 4-H volunteers are invited and encouraged to attend. Intermission desserts will be provided by funds from the 4-H BIG Lucky Clover raffle. This is an afternoon of recognition of the 2022-2023 4-H year of learning and growing. There is no charge to attend this event organized by the County Council and the 4-H & Youth Committee. The evening will include the installation of the 2023-2024 County Council members, recognize adult volunteers and businesses, record book awards, CBI Bank 4-H Participation Awards, and other special honors. For more information about the 4-H Awards Celebration, contact the Washington County Extension Office at 319-653-4811.