The Washington County Board of Supervisors heard a request from Washington County Engineer Jacob Thorius in regards to the Washington County Fence Policy, “We’ve had a fence policy in place that talks about how we address fence that needs to be removed as part of a construction project or road improvement project, that was last updated in 2014. The intent of the policy is not to necessarily pay for a brand new fence, but to replace the value of the fence that’s there it usually gets close to paying 95% of the cost of the fence. But we’re trying to, with this policy, make people as close to whole as possible. Replacing a fence that was removed as part of a project that we were doing. So, we went through and reviewed this, updated it.” The board voted unanimously to approve the updated policy. You can find the Washington County Fence Policy in full at the link with this news story at KCIIradio.com.