Photos courtesy of Keota Jr/Sr High School social media
The Keota Community School District has changed its after-school pickup plan beginning this week, and wants all stakeholders to be aware during this transition.
The District’s buses will continue to line up in front of the Elementary School for dismissal, while parents and guardians can still line up behind the buses on N. Ellis Street. With N. Ellis now open to two-way traffic, parents are asked not to park on the west side of the street. Parents and guardians who regularly park on the west side may now use either the angled visitor parking in front of the Elementary School, or the staff parking on the east side of N. Ellis Street.
Once buses load up with students, they will move beyond the High School entrance, at which point elementary parents and guardians may begin picking up their students by the elementary flagpole. After pick-up, proceed back towards the south on N. Ellis Street. Secondary parents may pick their students up at the High School entrance and leave on N. Ellis as well. High School student drivers may exit on N. Davis Street. With questions, contact the elementary office at 641-636-2323. To view a diagram on the new pick-up plan, visit the Keota Jr/Sr High School Facebook page, or visit this story at KCIIradio.com.