
With Veterans Day on Saturday, several area schools are inviting local veterans and community members to their respective assemblies tomorrow.

Mid-Prairie hosts its Veterans Day Assembly Friday at 10:30 a.m. at the High School. The event, which was organized by FCCLA students, includes performances from the band and choir, an address by Principal Chuck Banks, and guest speaker, retired Marine Dr. Darwin Peterson. Veterans and their guests are welcome to stay for lunch after the assembly, but should first contact the school to RSVP.

Winfield-Mt. Union recognizes Veterans Day during its assembly at 9:30 a.m. The National Anthem will be presented by the high school choir joined with some elementary students. WMU students will also lead the Pledge of Allegiance, before Veteran Jesse Howard will speak as the honored guest. Additionally, a student will read the dedication for the National Guard Memorial, written by Fred and Patti Gerling.

In Sigourney, veterans as well as the public are welcome to their ceremony at 9:45 a.m. This assembly includes several readings, a video honoring those who have served, and a presentation on the Quilts of Valor.

Roundy Elementary in Columbus Junction invites local veterans for coffee and donuts at 9 a.m. in the library followed by an assembly at 9:45. Several sixth grade students have prepared individual and group presentations including musical performances and educational PowerPoints. 

Finally in Lone Tree, staff are holding a breakfast for veterans from 7:30 to 8:30 Friday morning in the school’s north gym.