At the Washington City Council meeting on Tuesday, the council heard from Kyle Wellington, Water Treatment and Light Superintendent about a single camera video detection system at E Washington and South 4th Ave, “This is something that we have talked about and budgeted we did it last year. Essentially all that we are doing is each intersection here in town has the old loops in the ground and they take a lot of maintenance, they take a lot of wear and tear with traffic, they take a beating with all of the snow plowing and salting. It’s just kind of out of the times and the technology of using a camera sensor, which we did right here in the intersection of Washington and second, it’s been great, we haven’t had any issues since we did it. So now, we figured the next intersection that needs it the most, just because the loops are in bad shape, is Washington and fourth, right there at Goodwill.” The Council voted unanimously to purchase the video detection system and battery backup.