It was a successful night recognizing many 4-H members on November 5th. One hundred and thirty 4-H Participant of Excellence & Merit Awards sponsored by CBI Bank & Trust were given. Two hundred and thirteen Outstanding Record Book Awards were given to youth who have completed annual records to show goals, learning, and financial records. 4-H club leaders were recognized for years of service who were celebrating 5-year anniversaries, including Erin Marsh and Angela Greiner. Celebrating 15 years were April Cuddeback, Deb Kleese, and Jayme Sieren, and 35 years was Jim Hotchkiss. First-year members were given a certificate and seal, marking one year of membership in 4-H. Current seniors were recognized for their involvement in the Washington County 4-H program and thanked for their hard work over the years. This program wishes these seniors the best of luck this year and hopes 4-H continues to play an important role in their lives.