The Washington County Board of Supervisors revisited the discussion on Washington County Ambulance Service Staffing at their Tuesday meeting. After some back and forth between supervisors about the hours that a third rig would cover, and allowing the Interim Director to make that decision, Supervisor Jack Seward Jr gave further information related to the decision., “She has the biggest part of the input as to what’s going to work and what we need, but we still have oversight responsibility, because we’re the ones that have to pay for it. So are we going to pay for the two sixteen-hour shifts, the eight-hour shift which I don’t know for sure. We got that estimate, but we haven’t got an estimate for the three twelve-hour shifts, and what that impact might be, so why don’t we hear that before we say go ahead with one or the other.” Interim Director Katrina Altenhofen was asked to make an estimate for the different hours that a third rig could cover and bring her findings back to the board.