
The Washington County Board of Supervisors discussed the Washington County Ambulance Services adding a 3rd shift at their Tuesday meeting. Interim Ambulance Director Katrina Altenhofen shared the work done to this point., “You had asked after we came to the last board meeting to go back and look at sixteen-hour shifts and twelve-hour shifts. The issue with the twelve-hour shift is that if you did those, it would not meet the definition of a full-time employee unless you split it up a lot. So, that would have to be changed. I did put out to the staff what the perfect world looks like, a sixteen-hour shift, twelve-hour shift; many had migrated to that sixteen-hour shift with the rotation into an eight-hour to make their forty-hour work week. A lot of them had expressed that if I have got that sixteen hours on, I’ve come in I’ve done a twelve-hour shift, was probably not as a favorable one for the individuals that are there.” The Supervisors approved the next step of the process of adding a third shift by authorizing Altenhofen to advertise open positions.