Photo courtesy of Wellman Volunteer Fire Department social media
The Wellman Volunteer Fire Department was one of the recipients of a Washington County Riverboat Foundation Fall Grant.
At November’s Fall Grant Reception, the department was awarded $62,138 to go towards truck bay door renovations. Secretary Treasurer for the Wellman Fire Department, Tracy Owens explains. “Our building is pushing 40 years old from when it was constructed. They are old enough where we were starting to see a lot more issues with the doors. Four of the doors we have are taller ones, so we are going to raise the door openings on the other two so all six will be the same size.”
Owens went on to tell KCII what this generosity from WCRF means for the department. “We’ve managed, but you can only put so many band-aids on until you have to start really replacing stuff. This was a great thing for us and we really appreciate what the casino has done for us.”
The renovations are tentatively planned for spring 2024.