
A National expert in historic theatrical scenery will be visiting the Theatre Museum of Repertoire Americana in Mt. Pleasant next week. Dr. Wendy Waszut-Barrett out of Minneapolis will spend January 8-12 cataloging the museum’s collection of backdrops, and she is looking for volunteers with a passion for art, theater, or history to help. 

Monie Hayes, who works closely with the Museum, explained the event to KCII. “[Dr. Waszut-Barrett] will be there all five days helping us take down and examine many of the drops in our collection. We have one of the most extensive collections, if not the most extensive collection of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century backdrops anywhere. She’s going to catalog some of those and they will be going into our database.”

The Museum is located on the Old Threshers grounds at 405 East Thresher Road. Anyone interested in volunteering can email and request any day or days they can help out. Any volunteers will also be invited to a special presentation by Dr. Waszut-Barrett on Friday night.