The Washington County Board of Supervisors heard a request from County Engineer Jacob Thorius at their Tuesday meeting for an equipment purchase. Thorius explains the need for the equipment, “For as long as I can remember, we’ve rented a man lift or a scissor lift to service our heaters and garage doors and various things in our shops in the county. Every time we rent it, it’s about five hundred bucks. We use this every now and then and we don’t need a new one but maybe we can find a nice used one. Then started having conversations with buildings and grounds and conservation to see if they had a need for something like that, and both have said yah, so, talking with each other and seeing what type of lift do we need, how frequently do you use it, we looked around and thought it would be good to all go together and find one that we could all use. Instead of renting one when needed throughout the year.” The Supervisors approved the equipment purchase unanimously.