On Monday, the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Iowa State Patrol with a vehicle pursuit that began southbound on Highway 61 near G56. Reaching speeds well over 100 miles per hour, the small SUV would eventually lose control and wreck after attempting to pass on the shoulder near Newport Junction.
Two suspects in the vehicle immediately exited the vehicle and attempted to flee on foot. One, 29-year-old Tevin Marion of Fort Madison was located hiding behind a semi and taken into custody. The other, later identified as 30-year-old Brian Smith of Florida fled west of the accident and disappeared in the fog/timberline. After an approximate four hour and three mile track, several law enforcement agencies were able to locate, hold, and force the surrender of Smith. Both Marion and Smith were charged with felony eluding among several other traffic violations. The two have outstanding felony warrants out of other counties as well for locally committed burglaries, with further warrants expected to be filed.
Agencies assisting in the incident were the Columbus Junction Police Department, Henry County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit, Iowa State Patrol, Louisa County EMA, Louisa County Sheriff’s Office, Louisa County Dispatch, Wapello Ambulance, Wapello Fire and Rescue, Winfield Police Department, plus multiple bystanders.