Photo courtesy of Sigourney Community School District social media
An annual tradition at Sigourney Schools, the Pennies for Patients event wrapped up last week. The month-long fundraiser resulted in $320.28 collected for the VA Central Health Care System.
The event has been put on each year by the Sigourney National Honor Society. NHS Vice-President, Ava Fineran (12), described Pennies for Patients to KCII. “We take teachers’ faces and we stick them on buckets. We walk around with the buckets and we ask people for donations. All the donations go to the Veterans’ Hospital. The winner with the most money in the bucket gets a pie in the face and we throw a pep assembly for the state wrestling tournament. At the pep assembly is when we pie the winner in the face.”
The assembly was held at Sigourney Junior/Senior High School last Friday. This year, science teacher Nathan Kelly and the wrestling coaches were the lucky recipients of the pies.