The Keota Community School District is seeking final feedback from stakeholders regarding a potential four-day school week. The District plans to make a final decision on the 2024-25 calendar on Thursday, March 14.
A survey has been released for any Keota parents, students, staff, or community members wishing to voice their opinion on the subject, but they must do so by Wednesday, March 13. Among the 303 stakeholders who have taken the survey so far, nearly 75 percent have expressed support for a four-day week. This option would still meet the required amount of instruction time set by the Department of Education.
Already in 2024, the Winfield-Mt. Union and Highland districts have voted to adopt a four-day week for next school year, joining WACO, who has been on a similar schedule for the last decade. Lone Tree, meanwhile, voted against the idea at a board meeting last month. To access the stakeholder survey for the Keota Community School District, or for 4-day week FAQs, click here.