An event nearly one full year in the making, the Wellman-Scofield Public Library is holding a Grand Reopening Celebration today.
The library had been undergoing renovations since last May to convert the previously unoccupied east side of the building into a new programming room. While staff were able to move back in late last month, a couple of weeks were needed to put the finishing touches on the space. Director Carrie Geno shared her thoughts with KCII shortly after the move-in. “I am thrilled. This has been a dream for a very long time for our library and to see it finally come to fruition has just been absolutely amazing.”
A ribbon cutting for the Wellman Public Library will be held on Saturday, March 23 at 10 a.m. An open house will follow until 1 p.m. where guests can explore the renovated library and enjoy refreshments in the new programming room.
The Wellman-Scofield Public Library is located at 711 4th Street.