The Kalona City Council met in regular session on Monday.
In the City Administrator Report, Ryan Schlabaugh provided an update on Kalona’s new yard waste pickup program. “We did our first round of pickups last week. It went well. [We got] twelve, fifteen homes, fifteen plus bags. Obviously it’s gotten a little bit colder so we’ll probably not see as much until it warms up again.” Starting this spring, the City is picking up curbside yard waste every Tuesday.
The Council approved a walk/run fundraiser and crawfish boil to be held at the SouthTown Recreation Trail on Saturday, April 27. Additional items that were approved include the Water Quality Report for 2023, the 2022-23 Audit Report, and the sale of a plot at Sharon Hill Cemetery.
The 2024 Kalona Pool season was approved, as well as a rate increase. The daily drop-in rate for the pool will be increased from four dollars to five dollars, opening day will be Thursday, May 30, and the tentative closing date is Monday, August 19.
Mayor Mark Robe ended the meeting by reading a proclamation making April 4, 2024 and every first Thursday of April Junior Achievement Day in Kalona. To view the complete meeting minutes, click here.