
Photo courtesy of Mt. Pleasant Monthly Veterans Breakfast social media

Servicemen and women in southeast Iowa are encouraged to attend a Vietnam Veterans Day Dinner this weekend. Hosted by the Mount Pleasant Monthly Veterans Breakfast group, the dinner will be at the Mount Pleasant Veterans Hall at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 30.

While Vietnam Veteran Day is March 29, the observance coinciding with Good Friday moved the dinner to Saturday. John Mikelson, who works with Midwest Military Outreach, tells KCII that although this is a Vietnam Veterans Day Dinner, anyone who has served, past or present is invited. “It’s open to all Veterans, all currently serving Active Guard Reserve Personnel, their families, and the people who love them. We welcome everybody.”

There will be a table set up where Vietnam Veterans may display any of their memorabilia or items from their time in the service. A meet and greet will be held, and the evening’s keynote speaker will be Retired Brigadier General Martin Graber, who is currently serving as a State Representative in Des Moines County. Thanks to the support from the community and donations from the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation, the meal will include pork, chicken, beans, potatoes, rolls, and dessert for a free-will donation.

The Mount Pleasant Veterans Hall is located at 300 West Monroe Street. For more information about the Vietnam Veterans Day Dinner this Saturday, visit the Mt. Pleasant Monthly Veterans Breakfast Facebook page or call Bill Wixom at 319-931-6759.