Anyone hoping to celebrate the Easter Holiday with an egg hunt will not need to look very far in southeast Iowa, as several communities in the KCII listening area will be holding their respective events this weekend.
The first two opportunities begin on Saturday, March 30 at 9:30 a.m. The Wellman Easter Egg Hunt will be held at North Park, while the Crawfordsville Egg Hunt is at the ball field behind WACO Elementary.
At 10 a.m. Saturday, Mt. Pleasant, Keota, Riverside and Kalona get in on the action. Mt. Pleasant’s Easter Egg Hunt will be at Central Park, Keota’s is at Wilson Park, Riverside’s is at Hall Park, and Kalona’s will be hosted by the Historical Village. Kalona will also have kids activities, games, a bounce house, and pony rides.
In Washington, First Assembly is hosting their 9th Annual Easter Carnival on Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The free event features games, a meal, egg hunt, and prizes. Brighton’s Egg Hunt, which begins at 11 in Central Park includes special golden eggs, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and cookie decorating.
The two late Easter Egg Hunts will take place in Wayland and West Chester tomorrow at 1 p.m. West Park is the site of the Wayland Lions Club hunt, while West Chester Park will host the other. For additional details on all Easter Egg hunts in the area, check out the Community Calendar at KCIIradio.com.