
The first of Iowa’s spring turkey seasons begins today, with approximately 35,000 hunters expected to participate.

Season one continues through Thursday of this week; season two runs from April 12-16; season three is April 17-23; and season four, the longest of the four, is April 24-May 12. Hunters may purchase up to two tags with at least one being in season four.

Last spring saw a record-setting harvest of 14,850 turkeys, with birds harvested in all 99 counties. Hunters are reminded that they are required to report their harvest by midnight of the day after it is recovered. This can be done through the Go Outdoors Iowa app, at iowadnr.gov, calling the toll-free number printed on the tag, at any license vendor during regular business hours, or by texting your registration number to 1-800-771-4692.