A wet month of April continued last weekend, as the KCII listening area received between one and three inches of rainfall.
According to the National Weather Service, Washington received 1.79 inches of rainfall Friday through Sunday. The heaviest rain occurred to the west and south of the county, with 2.37 inches falling in Sigourney and 2.46 in Mt. Pleasant. To the east, Columbus Junction received 1.38 inches.
While the rainfall may stall the ongoing planting season, it has significantly alleviated drought conditions that have plagued Iowa for more than a year. At the start of 2024, nearly 60 percent of the State was experiencing extreme or severe drought, the second and third-highest ratings on the intensity scale. As of Thursday, prior to the latest round of precipitation, this percentage had shrunk to approximately 29%.
The one to count on for up-to-the minute severe weather coverage is AM and FM KCII.