4-H and FFA members involved in the rabbit project are invited to attend these rabbit workshops hosted by 4-H rabbit superintendent Chad Dolan and rabbit department. Both workshops are open to all 4-H/FFA members and parents who want to learn more about their rabbit projects. May 21 from 7pm-8pm in the basement of Dallmeyer Hall on the fairgrounds will cover the topics of rabbit health and disease. May 28 from 7pm-8pm in the basement of Dallmeyer Hall on the fairgrounds will cover rabbit breeding. All rabbits at the county fair must be tattooed. If 4-H’ers need help, free tattooing will be available at the workshop. Learn about what equipment is needed and where to purchase that. All rabbit exhibitors or those with questions about this project are encouraged to attend and learn more on these topics. Parents are also encouraged to attend. Contact the Washington County Extension Office with any questions at 319-653-4811.