
The Eagles will be flying high this Sunday as Keota High School celebrates its seniors with a graduation ceremony.

The ceremony begins on Sunday, May 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the Keota High School gym. Doors open for family and friends at 12:30. The Keota band will play the processional, plus a song will be performed by the high school chorus. Readers during the ceremony are Hunter Sieren and Evan Vittetoe, while Cassandra Swantz will give the senior speech. A senior slide show will be viewed as well.

Colors for the Keota Class of 2024 are purple and black. Their class flower is the yellow rose while the class song is “Don’t Stop Believin’” from Journey. A Ralph Waldo Emerson quote was selected as the class motto: “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”