
Canning season will soon be here, and Washington County Extension is offering testing of dial gauge pressure canners. Pressure canners with a dial-type pressure gauge should be tested each year for accuracy. Canner lids will be tested from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on June 17 and June 24.  Lids may be dropped off at the Extension Office prior to those dates and picked up after testing or you may wait while they are tested. There will be no charge for canners tested on these two dates. To have a dial-gauge canner tested, bring the canner lid only. The entire canner is not needed. If you are unable to bring your canner lid on one of the above dates, they may be tested on another date by making an appointment and paying a $5.00 fee. For additional information, contact the Extension Office at 319-653-4811.