
4-H’ers involved in the bucket bottle project area are invited to attend the summer workout on June 22 at 9 a.m. at the fairgrounds, to help both 4-Hers and calves prepare for the fair. Bucket bottle superintendents will lead the workshop in the main show ring on the fairgrounds, demonstrating how the show will run during the fair. 4-Hers are encouraged to bring their own calves to practice showmanship in the ring as well. This workshop is open to all 4-Hers. Parents are encouraged to attend. All bucket bottle exhibitors are also reminded of the July 1 online Fair Entry registration deadline. Bucket bottle exhibitors should plan to save the date of the morning of July 6th for Bucket bottle interviews. Bucket bottle project workbooks will be due at this time. Intermediate and senior members will take their test that morning as well. The interview schedules for July 6 will be arranged and mailed later in June. Questions may be directed to Amy at the Washington County Extension Office at 319-653-4811.