
A Babysitting Basics Training Course will be offered to help youth learn how to be responsible babysitters. Topics to be covered include employer expectations, caring for infants and young children, age-appropriate toys and activities, safety, and emergency and first aid procedures. The program is for any youth boys and girls who have completed 5th grade and above.  It is a five-day course from 9:30 am-11:30 am each day, running June 24-28 in the upstairs of Dallmeyer Hall on the Washington County Fairgrounds. The cost is $40, and participants will take home a babysitting bag of tricks and tips at the completion of the course. Scholarships are available upon request.  A few spots still remain open. Registration can be completed online at the link with this news story at KCIIradio.com.  


Summer Programs | Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Washington County