U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley spoke with KCII News about the future of the Ag industry and the policies that he would like to see put in place, “I think we are interested in making sure that we have the best things possible to give young farmers an opportunity to start farming. I’ve been involved in some of those programs over long periods of time, but it still doesn’t seem to be enough to have young people start out farming. Particularly if they don’t have relatives that are helping them. So one of the things that I suggested was, that let’s say a farmer doesn’t have a son or daughter for the next generation of that farm. That farmer then, would have a relationship with some other young farmer, that could take over that farming operation, and I think that if we had some tax law, that encouraged that, it would be a very good thing to keep, families that don’t have generations later to keep the farm running. Give it to somebody that will keep it running.” The Subcommittee on Commodities, Risk Management and Trade convened to examine legislative strategies to improve pathways to the ag industry for generations to come in early June.