
Special Award Winners Include:

Outstanding Home Improvement – Elijah Statler

Outstanding Clothing & Fashion Constructed – Ellie Evans

Outstanding Clothing & Fashion Purchased – Morgan Bruty

Outstanding Food & Nutrition – Hayden Norman

Best Interior Design – Halle Cuddeback

Outstanding Photography Award – Macie Ihrig

Best Junior Photograph – Emerson Flynn

Best Intermediate Photograph – Marlee Greiner

Best Senior Photograph – Courtney Chalupa

Best Promotion of Beef Industry Photo (cash award) – Peighton Ford

Best Use of Design – Cade Drahota

Overall Conservation Award – Mason Schneider

Most Environmentally Friendly – Ellie Callahan

Most Educational Ag & Natural Resources – Marissa Chalupa

Most Educational Science & Engineering – Benjamin Lothamer, Isabelle Krueger, and Gwen Piette

Best Restored Tractor or Farm Implement – Caden Heisner

Best Promotion of Beef Industry – Marissa Chalupa

Outstanding Woodworking – Elijah Statler

Outstanding Child Development – Charley Eaton

Outstanding Personal Development – Kelsi Cerny

Premier Garden Exhibitor – Emma Alderton

Outstanding Flower Arrangement – Annette Witthoft

Best Junior Surprise Design Flower Arrangement – Stella Eaton