
The Washington County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, on the agenda for the second time was discussion of dissolving the compensation board. Due to the passage of Senate File 2442 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed and put into effect on July 1st, giving county Boards of Supervisors the authority to do away with or continue to have a compensation board. Supervisor Jack Seward Jr. shared his thoughts on having no board, “I have two arguments for putting it on us. Number one, we are going to discuss it and more people are going to be aware of those discussions than the compensation board. I don’t believe there was ever anybody from the public that showed up for a compensation board meeting, so the public isn’t really informed about what’s going on unless we talk about it here at an open meeting. The second thing is, up until this passed there has been no requirement to publish or make a report of what you are doing and why. Compensation board members as it is constituted right now, they don’t have to do that.” The Supervisors did not come to a conclusion, and will be seeking input from citizens before the next meeting to make a decision.