
Jim and Sandi Hotchkiss of Washington were recognized at the Washington County Fair on July 19th as the 2024 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame recipients for Washington County.   Annually every county selects one recipient for the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.  Washington recipients are all pictured in the Extension Office dating back to the beginning of the program in 2002. Three generations of the Hotchkiss Family have been involved in 4-H leadership. Jim’s dad was a 4-H leader and superintendent of the sheep department. The first brick purchased for the patio in front of the Washington County Extension Office is in honor of James Hotchkiss. Ruth, his wife, was one of the greatest 4-H cheerleaders to her children and grandchildren. The couple will be further recognized at the Iowa State Fair on August 18 for their dedication to Iowa 4-H.