The Crooked Creek 4-H Club was sure to give fairgoers a warm welcome with their bale by the grandstands.
“Let the Games Begin” was the theme of the 4-H hay bale decorating contest at the Washington County Fair this year. Eleven clubs decorated bales with a variety of Olympic rings, torches, and more in honor of the Summer Olympics. First place went to the Green Acres 4-H Club for their decorated bale at the east entrance to the fairgrounds. Second place was awarded to the Go-Getters 4-H Club for their Olympic torch. Third place went to Bows and Bullets with their bale by the little red barn. A new Judge’s Choice Award was added this year to recognize a bale decorated on all sides by the Limecreek Limelights. This was a great way for 4-H club members to work on a project together that shared their enthusiasm for the fair and showcased their artistic creativity.