
At their Tuesday meeting, the Washington City Council heard from the Hotel-Motel Tax Committee about their funding for this year. Committee members Michelle Redlinger and Charla Howard spoke to the Council, “It did come to our attention at the last meeting that the budget that we traditionally work with was cut in half, and it was swept over to the city’s budget. When the budget was created, and the funds were moved from the hotel motel over to the City general fund or whatever fund it was put into, there was a lack of transparency that was happening. The question that I came up with, when you as voting members of the City Council approved the budget before it was sent to State approval, were you aware of this change, and monies basically that were earmarked for hotel motel moved over to the City general fund.” The Council did not know about this change to their funding and stated that it was the previous City Administrator who had made the change. Current Administrator Joe Gaa stated that he would like to meet with the committee to see if their projects can continue this budget season.