
Back in April, the Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) and the University of Iowa Rape Victim Advocacy Program announced the transition of sexual assault services.

As that transition continues, DVIP recently hired Shell Feijo as the new Program Director for Sexual Assault Services. Feijo has a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies, B.A. in Multidisciplinary Studies, and minors in English and Africana Studies. Additionally, she is certified in trauma-informed care and considers the practice to be a vital part of effective support in working with survivors of violence.

Thanks to this transition, and the hiring of staff such as Dr. Feijo, DVIP will begin offering core victim services for adults and youth beginning on September 30. These include 24-hour hotline and crisis intervention services, advocacy support services, information and referrals, counseling, therapy, and support groups, prevention education, and additional support for family and friends.

The Domestic Violence Intervention Program was officially formed in 1980 and serves eight counties including Washington, Iowa, Johnson, and Henry in the KCII listening area.