The Kalona Chamber of Commerce had volunteers in Des Moines for the Iowa State Fair at their booth to invite the public to visit Kalona and to sell products from Kalona businesses. Kalona Chamber of Commerce Director Tonia Poole spoke with KCII about the setup process, and the items that they sold most to fair-goers “So the process starts as early as January first, and then continues all the way through getting the booth set up, and then getting all of the products in place, getting the POS system functioning. And combining thirteen different businesses to make sure everything is jiving properly. Some of the things that people currently come to the booth, they want those Yotty’s Kalona Bars, those are a must have. Cinnamon rolls and baked goods people really like to start their day off with those, or will come at the end of the day to restock for the morning.” During the two weeks of the State Fair the booth utilizes around one hundred and ten volunteers to run their booth.