The Washington County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday. On the agenda was discussion and action regarding ballot language related to the establishment of Emergency Medical Services as an Essential Service in Washington County. Supervisor Marcus Fedler gives more information on the change, “We’ve been rolling right along and the State decided to change 422D slightly. When we established our advisory council there were some rules that were in place at the time. Now those rules have changed, so, we are in a position where we think the best thing to do would be to table this until we can make sure that we can follow 422D to the letter. So I regret to inform everybody that we are going to back peddle this a bit. I would recommend that we don’t proceed with this, I know we are going to need to do this at some point, but right now we have a process that to move forward we need to follow that process.” The Supervisors will wait to hear back from the EMS Advisory Council to make any language changes. This delay means that the referendum to declare EMS an essential service in Washington County will not be included on November’s ballot.