Seven Mid-Prairie Alumni were recognized with awards from the district this fall. Jerry Zahradnek was recognized with the Community Impact Award for his exceptional service to his community as part of the Kalona Fire Department. Gary and Becky Curtis were there to receive the award for their daughters Lacey Curtis Iverson, and Tiffany Curtis Strande for the Fine Arts Award for their years of accomplishments in the fine arts including instrumental performance and instruction. Mallory McArtor was given the Athletic Award for her success in athletics after graduation. Jordan Mongtomery was given the Achievement Award for his achievements in developing his own company and personal coaching achievements. Thomas Wade was given the service award for his commendable service in the Federal Aviation Administration, and for the creation of the Fund for Academic Excellence. Hayley Sieren Hershberger was given the Vocational Award for her accomplishments in her vocational area of real estate.