Tax increment financing was discussed at the recent Washington City Council meeting. City Administrator Joe Gaa said at their most recent meeting in regards to the resolution appropriating Urban Renewal TIF for fiscal year 2026, “This has been a labor of love in that I am now the third City Administrator to work on these TIF, and the records were different all the way around, and you would think with finance being a big part of TIF that Kelsey (Brown) would have been more involved, she wasn’t. So she and I have been pulling all of this together to where it speaks to us and we know exactly where everything is, and even after we put the packet out we were continuing to build things, so that’s why you see a few changes. It’s because we continued to find different information in different places related to this. I assure you with this and moving through the budget we are going to have real clarity.” The council approved the resolution unanimously. More discussions on TIF will be had during the budget hearings. All information relating to TIF funding for the City of Washington can be found on the City website in the council packet.