During the 4-H Awards Ceremony, a special recognition is given to leaders for every five years of service. The following 4-H leaders have been leaders for 5 years and are receiving a silver clover from the 4-H Foundation: Jake Hotchkiss for the Green Acres 4-H Club, Jennifer Moore for the Horse & Pony 4-H Club, Jessica Keil for the Jackson Clover Kids, Maria Meller as combined for Highland Clover Kids and Riverside Enterprisers. For 10 years of service and receiving a gold clover from the 4-H Foundation, Katherin Sieren of Dutch Creek Flyers. Fifteen years of service and receiving a pearl clover from the 4-H Foundation, Ted Greiner of the Dutch Creek Flyers, and Jim Bohr of the Limecreek Livewires. For 30 years of service receiving a ruby clover from the 4-H Foundation is Joe Tebockhorst of the Limecreek Livewires. The 4-H Awards Celebration was held In November, at the KC Hall in Washington.