The topic of road repairs and restriping came up at the most recent Washington City Council meeting. City Administrator Joe Gaa gave more information on the two new business items on the agenda, “Three is for a surface transportation block grant agreement, and four is for the Highway Safety Improvement program. They are both going to fund the pavement improvements which will widen that intersection out a little bit, and then the restriping of Washington from City Hall to the East city limits, which will turn that into a three lane to match Madison. That’s a DOT project, they are overseeing it they’ll put out the bids here in the first quarter and move forward with that. So we just need to approve these agreements, one of them is $87,000 the other one is about $160,000. And that together will go towards funding that project.” Council approved the Block Grant Program Agreement with the Iowa DOT as well as the Highway Safety Improvement Program Agreement for the repairs and restriping.