There will be a free performance of The Nutcracker by Elizabeth’s Academy of Classical Ballet out of Ainsworth, at the Washington Community Center. The doors open on Saturday, December 13th at 6 p.m., and the show begins at 6:30. There will be another performance on December 14th beginning at 1 p.m. KCII was able to speak with Elizabeth Billups, owner of Elizabeth’s Academy of Classical Ballet and Director of The Nutcracker, to get more details about preparations for the show, “We start rehearsals around the beginning of September, and over the last few weeks, we have been adding in extra days, evenings, Saturdays, and this week especially, it’s just every day in the studio, fine-tuning.” There will be a cookie reception held after the performances. Elizabeth’s Academy makes it a free show as a gift to the community for the holidays.