A group of Highland students is working to make the holidays brighter for children in the district. The Highland FFA organization has organized an angel tree of wishes and needs for children in need in the district and the community is asked to lend a hand. Highland junior Emily Herrig shares what she’s observed, “It’s definitely made me realize how much our community can come together and help each other and help the ones that need a little more extra help.
The angel tags are on a Christmas tree in La Chiva Loka. Herrig shares some of the wishlist items, “So on the wishlists there’s like toys, games, coloring activities, and some on the needs are clothing, bedsheets, deodorant.”
Members of the community can stop by La Chiva Loka to pick up a tag for a child, shop the list on the tag, and then return the items to the restaurant by December 18th. Items should not be wrapped. Herrig says there are about 25 angels needing assistance.