A Wellman hunter has a second deer with a score of over 200 points. Pat Cady harvested a large buck with unique antlers earlier this year with his bow and the deer had a total rough score of 229.25 points. He explained the antlers are a typical 10-point frame deer with a 10-inch drop tine on the lefthand side with the bottom half still having the velvet, and the other side is where it stands out, “The right side of the antlers towards the base is what is pretty unique. I had a picture of it from one trail cam and I could tell there was something going on over there. But it’s beyond like crazy, it’s got, I would say, roughly about four drop tines on the right antler. Some are based off of a tine that’s already growing out of a drop and then another drop coming out of it. It’s characteristic is just crazy. It’s got 24 scorable points to the rack. Just in those 24 points I think when we added it up we had 10 points for the main frame itself with the mass was about 178 inches, and just with the other 14 points that are on the deer put another 51 points of antler.”
He describes the moment, “When it all went down it was so quick that I didn’t really have the, you know, the big adrenaline rush to make me sit there and have to think about a lot of things. I just had to hurry up, pull back, anchor and shoot. Thank goodness I didn’t have to get on the adrenaline train.”
He had another 200-inch deer in 2001 with his bow.