
A group of six volunteers who coordinate the program Feed the Kids in the Mid-Prairie School District is gearing up for the holiday break. The group works to help provide food to approximately 72 families. Volunteer Matt Freel shares they’re working alongside other Mid-Prairie groups to provide assistance, “We were actually contacted by Elsa Schmitt from the high school, she runs the FFA program. So, they got a grant for porkloins and they also got a monetary grant to help provide for Christmas meals, so that’s part of it. We also back a little bit larger bags during those Christmas break times. And then also through the generous donations that we get from the community, we’re able to give out gift cards to help with the holiday meals and to help with the longer breaks. We do that for Thanksgiving and for Christmas, as well.”

Mid-Prairie’s students will have a break from school for two weeks, with a break from classes starting Saturday, December 21st, and students return to school on Monday, January 6th.

Freel shares that the program helps area children when they’re away from school, “I think for families it’s just, we’re able to just lift it up just a little bit. We’re not the only resource in the community and we help kind of just take the burden off the everyday shopping stuff. We really try to gear all of our stuff towards things kids can take with them to school or things they can make on their own, so that if their parents are working over break or if the house doesn’t have quite enough food over break, we can kind of help eliminate that gap.”

The Kalona and Wellman libraries also have food bags available. Freel thanks all of those who donate to the program to help local families. Monetary donations can be sent to the Mid-Prairie Central Office with checks made out to the Mid-Prairie Foundation and in the memo put Feed the Kids.