Drivers are wanted for a local bus program. Washington County Mini Bus Director Cris Gaughan shared the struggles that the county mini bus service has been facing this last year, “Staff wise, we are pretty low on staff right now. I have 16 employees, four that are full-time, 12 that are part-time. We are desperately in need of drivers, full or part time, either with their Class C or CDL with their endorsements. I am running my drivers ragged, I will say that right now. They are working a lot of hours.” In the last fiscal year, the service provided 55,536 rides and traveled 204,459 miles. This service transports county residents to appointments, employment, day programs, school, shopping, recreation, and social needs. Washington County uses a demand response transportation system, not a fixed route. The funding request from Washington County for the next fiscal year is $50,000.