A date has been set for the three-person contest court regarding the contested results of the Highland School District bond measure. The trial is scheduled for 9 a.m. January 15th.
The $15 million bond issuance was shown as passing with 61-percent of the ballots cast in favor of the measure. However, it was discovered that some voters in the Ainsworth precinct were given the incorrect ballots on election day. Not all of the voters in the Ainsworth precinct reside in the Highland School District.
As of December 5, County Elections Administrator Liz Torres-Potter’s employment with the county ended according to Washington County Board of Supervisors documents.
A petition to challenge the election results was filed in mid-December.
The three-person contest court will consist of Ron Greiner who is representing the petitioners contesting the results, Dan Ruth who serves as Vice President of the Highland School Board, and Richard Gaumer, a retired attorney. This three-person court will oversee the trial of the matter and shall have the powers of the district court necessary for the determination of the matter, which could include compelling the attendance of witnesses, swearing them in, and directing their examination. County Attorney Nathan Repp explains that the Auditor’s Office will serve as Clerk of Court for the purpose of the contest court.
KCII will bring more information as it becomes official.