Hunting seasons in Iowa are starting to close. According to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa’s pheasant, late muzzleloader and archery deer and fall turkey seasons will close on Jan. 10th. While squirrel, quail, partridge and grouse hunting remain open until Jan. 31st. Furbearer seasons and rabbit season are open until Feb. 28th. Crow season is Jan. 14th to March 31st, and beaver trapping season closes on April 15th. For waterfowl, the north zone dark and light goose season closes on Jan. 11th, the central zone dark and light goose season closes on Jan. 18, and the south zone dark and light goose season closes on Jan. 25. The light goose conservation order season is open Jan. 26th to May 1st statewide, and additional regulations apply. More information on hunting season dates and regulations can be found on the Iowa DNR website.