Washington County 4-H and the Washington County Conservation Board are working together to reach shared goals that involve youth, hands-on learning, healthy living and outdoor education. Pending winter temperatures and ice-forming, the FISH ON Youth Ice Fishing Clinic is scheduled for January 25 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at Marr Park, with a backup date set for February 1. Teaching will be led by Washington County Conservation naturalists, Iowa DNR officers and local volunteers. The event is open to any youth. Participants younger than 4th grade must have an adult attend to assist them one-on-one. The adult must have a current fishing license. 4-H membership is not required to participate, and limited space available. Online registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis until filled. There is a $5 fee due to the Washington County Extension Office. Interested participants can find a link to register with this news story at KCIIRadio.com.