Students with a passion for photography should take advantage of an upcoming opportunity with Washington County 4-H Extension. Washington County 4-H, with other neighboring 4-H programs, will be offering an all-day photography workshop at Dallmeyer Hall on the Washington County Fairgrounds on March 8th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Many photography topics will be covered. Register online by February 15th. The $15 fee is used to cover expenses associated with the day. 4-Hers must dress for all weather conditions with shoes safe for outdoor photo assignments, and will also need to bring a sack lunch, charged camera, and printed 4” x 6” photo. For more information about the photography project area, Washington County 4-H, or how to volunteer with the program contact the Extension Office at 319-653-4811. You can find a link with more information, and to register with this news story at