All 4-H’ers and FFA members are invited to be a part of the livestock judging winter workouts.
This project allows livestock exhibitors to learn more about each of the large animal species or to become more of an expert in the species they show. It is a place for beginning showmen to meet others who show, as well as a great project for 4-Hers who live in town and aren’t able to show livestock but have a livestock interest, or for youth who want to learn more about how livestock is evaluated for competition and market. Winter workouts will be held at the Washington County Extension Office from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on January 18, February 2 and 23, March 9 and 23, and April 6 and 27. The participants will be divided into groups based on experience with hands-on relevant practice and learning.
Groups will work this winter to prepare for the State 4-H Judging Contest held at the beginning of May. Summer workouts will be hosted at local farms with dates to be scheduled later this spring. All 4-H and FFA members interested in livestock judging are invited to attend. No prior experience is needed. Parents are welcome to attend, but not required. 4-H Livestock Judging coaches are 4-H volunteers Chad Younge, Derek Henningsen and Ted Greiner. For more information on 4-H livestock judging or how to get involved as a volunteer, partner or participant, contact the Washington County Extension Office, 319-653-4811.